Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 w's and the 5 wise men

It is said that in most encounters, and you can see this for yourself, that there are 3 outcomes available, and i use this word because you have a choice.


Many times we are in control and dont really recognize our potential in the final outcome.
By making concessions ,that probably dont matter anyway, you never want the last option,
if at all possible.
Heres an example. In a fast paced sales scenario where freebies are involved, particularly
where the company pays for them and the clients are unaware of the provenance of the gifts.
Anyway because i like the business my clients gave me , i would indulge them with as many as possible. If they cancelled i was stuck with the extra gifts out of my own pocket. Because the clients would talk to one another and compare their purchase they would invariably go back to the other salespeople and claim foul, creating a tense situation that created in some cases more cancellations and fellow workers who would like to talk to me in the parking lot. I was asked by a superior to stop creating problems by giving away things the others could not. I was also accused
of being weak and going past the close. The next morning (i usually gave the pep talks in the morning) i told the 2 big bosses that as soon as the meeting was over i was going to collect a check off-site and they needed to hear this so i could get going to get the money(the money had nothing to do with the meeting and they didnt ask as greed and urgency also tends to fog issues)
On a board i illustrated the $74,000(a lot of money for the time and place!) i made last year and the loss of $2000 in out of pocket gifts on my behalf to my detriment. 20% was the office average for cancelations, some had 10 or less some had 30 or more! i had 10% and only gave away 3% of my money, yet i had more referals ie, free sales and maybe thats why i was always in the top performers. The whiners on the other hand had many cancellations and because of their abominable sales skills and lying not to get ahead but just to stay alive created more cancellations for everybody because the reality is they are here to take the leftovers and practice and learn this just like we did to get where we are now. The fact that the other performers gave almost nothing away reflects also their selfishness in helping the newbies and to add insult to injury were taking advantage of them for their own gain, to make it worse they were put up to this by them to begin with. By publicly exposing the current state of affairs in the office and possibly initiating employee performance reviews hidden by managers with secret agendas (some of these dwezzels had them for sex and other party favours). As you might or might not know many companies have an organizational chart that doesnt show the nefarious
human nature element within. Since i had neglected to follow up on that pre-paid funeral plan, i added that i would personally train these people and guarantee them better income or i would
leave with the first one fired! I continued to do very well and was made training manager.
My adversaries were stunned by this turn of events, not only might their crews be audited,
their little snivel-ass games that they created as big shot-celebrities left their minions like mushrooms-fed shit-and in the dark. Now exposed and angry i offered them percentages on their crews for performance which quickly brought them around. One who decided to continously hang on to his game started to object but i fixed it quick by proclaiming WHAT?
YOU DONT WANT TO SAVE YOUR FRIENDS? as the room turned to hear his answer.
Anyway take the win-lose scenarios in each sentence here-it actually would look like a slot reel in vegas but the last pull would have to be a winner. Many emotions were in play here, and they were dealt with like judo -use your opponents force against him. This discourse might be too complex but i can give much simpler parallels--tim took tinas cookie(he wins - she loses-)
tina crowns him with empty cookie jar(she wins -he loses) mom intermediates and splits cookie in half(win-win) WRONG! tim never forgot this injustice, she favored tina always ! Both of them perished in a most mysterious accident years later.

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