Not everyone thinks alike. A study i read describes how our thinking process is like a brick edifice, each brick being experiences and learning combined with personal evaluations that might or might not involve critical thinking processes. Early development schooling plus what we learn casually at home determines to an extent how we think. We learn quickly to not argue other peoples opinions (most of the time) because it creates unnecessary conflict. Those who do haven't learned yet the reason why people avoid them, or why they have unproductive issues with others. I don't remember who said it-----diplomacy is the art of stroking a dog saying nice doggie while glancing about looking for a rock. In addition to this add to the mix the mental traumas we picked up along the way. Now stir in a large amount of religion and political learning and presto you have the recipe for misunderstanding all along your lifelong journey. Debate teams appear to make their points but usually reinforce the antagonist. The ego really doesn't
care if you are right, i have my own personal agenda and will continue pursuing it hell or high water. If this wasn't enough, figure out how much brainwashing from everywhere determines
how you think.
Look at how our own brains are easily fooled.
Did you ever replay in your mind a certain movie part that got your attention? Was it a true recollection of the film or did your brain re-arrange it to your liking?
Have you ever had a dream about sex cheating-having money-being happier only to wake up and discover it wasn't true and you were upset for a while? It wasn't real so why were you upset?
Because the unconscious doesn't differentiate between fact and fantasy.
Apparently if you were raised by family members who continually berated you as worthless,
wont amount to anything etc. you would unconsciously prove them right (self-defeating) as to not lose their love.
Your motivations might not even be in your best interest- from the Greek (motive+action)
Pay attention to what your enemies say about you, for they are studying you assiduously. And you thought they were just being catty.
Although your hot buttons might be irrational, those who are rational will press them.
Don't tell people your problems- half don't care- the other half are happy you have them.
All the above makes for interesting debate- but don't forget- all answers are found in nature and
nature has two rules for humans -procreate and survive. Animals have an arsenal of weapons,
sometimes to combat the same species not others. Animals have clever and ingenious ways to survive, so do humans. The only difference is the increasing consciousness of humanity who seeks to distance himself from the brute forces- in thought and inventive ways to elevate to the loftier principles and thus separate himself from something he cannot.
Here we are as test pilots in a lazy-boy recliner watching t.v. bemoaning world affairs, hunger, war, disease, earth contamination, while we spend trillions on cosmetics, plastic surgery,toys.
This is irrational and this is why aliens don't visit-they are looking for intelligent life. Would you land here?
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