Thursday, May 27, 2010


Stands for-- the end of the world as we know it--- and has many sites. Another one is SHTF(poo-poo hits the fan).

After much analysis i will save you from being confused and will share my thoughts on the survivalist scenario. I am trying to be as rational as possible.

Make no mistake-unprepared people suffer and or die. The survivalist is fully aware of the past.

millions and millions have perished from and will continue to do so from the following life extinguishing events:

earthquakes-floods-volcanoes-fires-firestorms-plagues-wars-civil disturbances,disease,social upheavals, economic breakdowns and the like. Some are combined and inexorably add exponentially to the disaster. Survival is an everyday exercise-look around you-fire exits-fire sprinklers-air bags-fire stairs on older bldgs.-first aid kits-emergency bags in the car trunk-bomb shelters from the cold war and WW-2-medical bracelets-warning signs for everything.

But we are complacent in our relatively protected environment and take for granted without even thinking about the basic life sustaining necessities. Our consciousness relegates to the
back rooms of our brains the imminent dangers that are around every corner. This is called
out of sight out of mind. If you interviewed a thousand people 10% have life changing events,
they have survived- wars, being raped, shot at, car wrecks- natural disasters-fires etc.
There are the others who didn't make it-you don't see them so- out of sight and hence the complacent attitude. We are aware but would rather not address negative issues as it interferes
with our current pursuit of happiness-like the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. I have a friend who scoffs at anything because he his too busy in his business(i lost all sales one day because a tv was turned on to see replays of the shuttle exploding) so i understand his avoiding bad news. Here comes a hurricane, about the 10th for us, he dutifully prepares with stocks
and protective measures but its worse than EXPECTED and the family hides in a closet as high water and winds do their thing. This happened in Cancun and what happens? the city is in chaos!

Looters stole their generator-many streets in Cancun are cul-de-sacs and neighbors are barricading the entrances with fires made out of 55 gal. drums and debris and have to gather together with machetes and tools to run off criminals-it was close to being life threatening and very scary to say the least. Yet a few days before it was paradise-civilization crumbles very quickly and leaves you wondering how precious we had it. You've seen it on tv recently Haiti,Chile---Katrina, L.A. riots. I could have saved time by just directing the reader to wikipedia
and search-- human death toll natural disasters in recorded history--you will have a better grasp on reality. Who cares? you guys are paranoid! im Joe normal-i live in pleasant ville and i run thru the park with my pink poodle and balloons enjoying my Dr. pepper and beef jerky. I am smug in my self contained world. Well that is exactly the mind set of the millions and millions who share your view. Except they died a most gruesome death. 30% of the world is in survival mode as we speak-bombs-no water-no electricity-disease-malnutrition, it is daily life for them, almost normal. Any more and i might as well write a F.EM.A manual and a history book. Point is

the scenario is real,very real and the proponents are not necessarily a negative lot either--an evolutionary study shows negativity is crucial to survival. For example early man survived by being in a negative frame of mind-he leaves his cave on all fours to reveal less of himself, care full

of his surroundings he walks crouched now, knife and spear ready- sensing and looking for danger

before it looks for him ,and maybe, just maybe might make it home with food. Speed up the years
and his offspring 20x times down are more complacent-less danger is present. He runs out the cave to tip toe thru the tulips and rejoice in the beauty of th---aaaaheaaargggh---- some animals lunch!! Hey, i told you to not let your guard down! Negativity is primordial as you will not be surprised in this mind set-you expect danger and are prepared--being positive belongs to the realm of progress and visualizing catching a fish. Positive has its place and has no place for the unprepared. How is positive going to save you when you are in a disaster?

The survivalists web sites vary and mix-up different trains of thought so lets sort this out first.

1)The Gov. has F.E.MA. claiming they are ready but offer advice in case you are on your own.
2)5% of the U.S population lives in harsh wilderness and their lives depend on survival wits.
3)continuation of government programs are now classified but the released ones prove concept.
4)the seed depository on a barren island (Norway?) makes me more nervous.
5)many secret underground cities and facilities worldwide-foreign investors also!
6)many companies specialize in shtf survival gear and info. to survive disasters.
7)individual teotwawki web-sites that feature very uneducated knee-jerk reactionaries
but most are educated sites with insightful and valuable lectures that will and i guarantee you save your live--but there are levels in regards to practical and common sense usage and expectancy.

I would assume that the average reader will dismiss some of the sites and the idea for readiness
due to the bombastic nature of the content including ads for hoarding gold -seeds-guns-equipment. On the other hand if he was a boat owner he has no qualms buying-life vests, flare guns,survival kits,survival food,etc.

The forums get mixed readers-some actually live in Alaska-northern Canada and scoff at the Barrett 50. cal (A huge rifle)toting crowd--they in turn fail to understand why they are dead
set in extolling the virtue of a knife being the only thing practical to true survival. They are talking about different scenarios and confuse the issue.
As mentioned, there are many disaster scenarios but all of them call for you to continue living-
someone watching me write this said suicide doesn't fit here! Tell that to the 10,000 German
women who committed suicide when they could not take it any longer when the Russians had their way with them at the end of the war- including 2000 nuns and females from 8 to 80
tell that to the girls school who after being raped were mutilated. tell that to all the suicides likewise in Russia -tell that to the Japanese women who suffered the same fate.
All most all victorious armies rape and plunder and murder -their government unable to protect them-tell that to women in Africa whos pregnant bellies were sliced open on money bets to see if it was boy -girl! These people committed suicide because of disasters and were unprepared.One
river in Germany was a body dump as parents killed their daughters unable to cope with the disaster. It wasn't that long ago and its going on right now again- in the world close to us. All these poor souls were unprepared and led down the complacent road by their governments.

If you study the numbers you have as much to fear if not more from humans as natural disasters.

The SHTF proponents have a valid point and in fact almost mandatory. The basic premise is a breakdown in society due to any of the fearful possibilities.

Water and food distribution networks as we've seen breakdown real fast.

Transportation networks are very vulnerable.

People are not civil when starving and lacking basics they have come to rely on their whole life.

We have seen you will be on your own very quickly.

Most people perish as they are unfit in every way to survive on their own.

I have come to these conclusions;

Large natural disasters are hard to avoid and luck plays a part.

Awareness of real or imagined dangers favors the fearful.

Statistically there will be more survivors unprepared than those who are prepared.

The nature of chaos does not favor your preparedness and in fact can lead to your downfall.

Most preparations that you have will be out of reach.

Assumptions made over iced tea in your living room are not real to what you will encounter.

The most prepared are the very wealthy and know the facts -their consultants are tops in their fields and have prepared many scenarios to survive, this is a big business and totally unavailable
to 95% of the population, again you are on your own except for these helpful sites.
Some curious facts;

Blizzards leave horses and men dead frozen-except those who gutted the horse and got inside.
you can make fire from ice
you can get water from stones
insects will lead you to water
you don't need a cannon to shoot the shell
you can make a bomb very easily in the outdoors
where most died in a high rise fire the savvy breathed air from the toilet tubes inside the top bowl
people have perished with food and water all around them
you can make weapons from mouse traps and shotgun shells
spears and arrows are still tops in the kill hall of fame
small animal livers will save your life re snakes-scorpions
you can make a shelter from 6 inch grasses.
chemical warfare from plants
ambush followers and kill them with firecrackers
instant poisons from household ingredients

We can go on and on---

the survivalists can add plenty more.

Here is a scenario not listed above- in the 80's a navy flotilla lost all comm. capabilities due to a

electromagnetic? wave from a far star. They lost almost all abilities due to the fried electrical
systems, it was an eye-opener for the military although this is a common occurrence (i know avionics people) but this burst was very big and damaging-it happened in the south pacific. It
was assumed by scientists that it indeed had covered a very large area maybe a few thousand miles wide. In 2006 a solar flare shocked the scientific world because never before had one sped so fast-ever -about 1/2 the normal rate to reach the earth-textbooks would have to be re-done!!

I know one of the scientists and he says the reaction is exaggerated. If we had a nasty one hit where it hurts, the consequences would start slowly and problems will develop where you don't expect. Add to this an uneasy political instability and an upset population and it wont be pretty.

Read what happened when the very upset masses in France during the revolution did to the nobility- the favorite was tying husband and wife face to face nude and thrown in the rivers to drown nobody could have imagined this days before as they enjoyed themselves in the lap of luxury. Read how thousands were interned in the stadium in Chile, Americans included, during the coup de'tat. many suffered.

Now then, it is clear things can go wrong and you re not prepared.

So lets study those who escaped by wits or preparation or luck, and use statistical models dealing with hard data.

The teotwawki's have prepared for almost every contingency but under the leadership of Gen. Murphy things will go wrong.

Theoretically you are prepared with------
a bug out bag
weapons and ammo
stored food
an emergency medical kit
an arranged hide out
alternate routes
taking the family
a means of escape

The past has shown---

You have a 50/50 chance to retrieve it

weapons are targets themselves-are heavy-invite trouble-slow you down- ammo is gone quick

food and water weigh a lot-is soon gone

providing you can keep it-supplies are limited- you cant flee with wounded and/or sick

your hide out will be occupied before you get there and if not good luck keeping it

your alternate is every ones

saving your family might not be possible

your vehicle has an average 450 mile flee zone radius-so do all the others- so you will be in good company with other refugees who might not have what you have managed to save. gas will dry out real quick. mandated evacuation routes will be a nightmare. the stay put alternative has its own problems.

At this point 20% will have successfully extracted themselves from the chaos, most wont be survivalists, not to say in some cases they will be the only ones present due to extenuating circumstances.

odds are increased with 3 bug out bags one in the office or home- one in the trunk of car and a hidden one on a planned route. and the same applies to the other necessaries.

even when relatively safe new problems will arrive;

a constant water and food supply

dog packs -not kidding


maintenance medicine

protection from hoards (its not fair you have that and wont share)

inclement weather

leadership dilemmas and psychological effects could be your biggest problem of all.

It wont matter that you invested tons of money and time preparing and can have it all or not.

Solid evidence shows your survival rests on what you can have on your person that is within reach and that is the bug out bag or survival outfit and it better be within 50 ft. or less at all times.

the survival outfit is a civilian attire that looks like a jacket and pants yet on close inspection

in cleverly outfitted with a myriad of hidden and sown in pockets-pouches that will even

hold an ar-7 break apart survival rifle and small pistol and the necessary amount of emergency

paraphernalia to last running on foot and surviving for up to a month.

And far away (100) miles an underground shelter to last 2-3 years.



History is fascinating because those who track it have their own agenda and although we can rely
on most accounts to be somewhat factual, some finer points on what really happened lead us to believe otherwise.

A quick search of the bombing of Rotterdam in ww2 will lead us to believe the brutal attack
was just that. But read the info sites and start seeing discrepancies. Books and web sites state
Gen. Kurt Student was wounded there and convalesced for 8 months. Another site says he was shot by friendly fire with no further explanation. Yet another has more detail of an s.s. trooper
shooting him mistakenly from a window.You would think that someone who shoots a GENERAL
by mistake would have some press interest or the fact that no news comes from it at all especially under Nazi censorship is being covered up. The following story comes from one of the
most decorated and recognized dutch underground leaders who i met in Mexico.
Bridges are crucial targets in war. A soldier there sadly watched German paratroopers take over the city network bridges. He was upset how easily they scattered the small defending bridge guards. He left the bridge ramparts to escape captivity and laid low in the adjoining tulip fields.
Under the hot sun in an army coat and unable to move at all , even to take his coat off as he would be spotted from the bridge. Pondering his dilemma, he watched a small group of officers set up a table next to the bridge under its shadow. Spreading maps on the table ,it was obvious
these were high ranking officers and taking his time to sight the distance--he took a shot--
the officer slumped over the map table as his companions leaned over wondering why.
Another shot and the second casualty went down. The bridge noise covered his shots and he managed to scurry away from the field and crawl in a ditch until he could run fleeing the
errant shots as the German troops finally sensed the danger.
His second target was the air force general of all German paratroopers.
Hitler rushed to his bedside in the hospital-and was outraged- the city was taken, how did a general get shot after the hostilities? Leaving the ward he had only one thing to say--bomb
Rotterdam into rubble. The part time sniper was interviewed in 1957, he owned a sandwich shop.
Better no one knows what i did and what it caused, many people, my own, died, had i known....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


You can hear 20 seminars regarding life--bla-bla-bla. been there done that.
I was taken to one by S. Levitin, a famous sales guru who had invited another well known
life changer to speak for us. I learned from him the best way to explain the following------


This man had many companies and thousands of employees. he told the controller to sell his assets for millions-he bought a real yacht-he played golf worldwide- made his dreams come true
and came back to re buy the companies-he was bored and enjoyed being productive, the climax was anticlimax. enjoy the ride. ( i hung around big bucks for 5 months once and wanted for nothing didn't have to lift a finger- trust me its not good for your soul)


the seminar topic was about carrying too much baggage you don't need.

This therapist or shrink whatever, has his patients meet in a parking lot unfamiliar to them.
meets them and takes them in to a building where he leads them all over the place like they will get to their destination soon, up and down they go and after a while he ditches them. Most of them are now cured of their problems--they had been all over the halls of a children's cancer ward.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I will be reminiscing about my years in the antique and collectible business later, but some of my notes revealed an event long ago, a story that should uplift those who think they are trapped.

We are working 2 stores in Manhattan and one of the partners apologetically mentions that an unwanted visitor will appear.....someones brothers uncles long lost know the drill....

and hes down on his know the drill.....and can we help out anyway we can by giving him odd jobs ,whatever. The guy looks rough.

that's the impression.

I think i read him to be someone who has learned just recently the advantages of a complete

360 degree change of lifestyle and he is dead serious about the change. If you have been given a second chance this may be the look you have.

Anyway, theres not much for him here as he doesn't hang around very much. But he was interested in taking advantage of the biggest celebration I've ever seen, the 200th

anniversary of the United States. the bicentennial was to be celebrated across the nation with emphasis in major seaports where the most distinguished and historical tall masted sailing ships

from the world over (operation sail) were to partake in the events. The show stealer's were

3 and 4 masted majestic sailboats, the survivors of bygone years when nations ruled primarily

on the high seas. These ships even today are used in training naval cadets by their respective

countries and serving on one qualifies you for a career. The royal yacht Britannia was there and i was able to see her on her last voyage with the queen of England in Mexico in the late 80's.

So hes kind of late to merchandise decals-t-shirts and related souvenirs, mind you millions

of people will be in and around battery park and adjoining areas to see the event. if i remember

correctly street traffic was closed from 14Th,and down. He didn't have the money anyway to buy and sell. A week before the event, he comes in the store with curtains and sheets that he bought. The linen is sailboat motif and the majority are prints of the actual ships that will be present.For example, a single bed sheet had repetitious images of sailboats that provided 60 cutouts for making "official" patches. Someone lent him a sewing machine and by cutting out

and sewing to a felt backing he was amassing hundreds of patches. In 24 hours he sold everyone of them and made about $2500, that's like $6000 today's dollars. Because it wasn't so well known,
the DAR pomorza, a polish ship, he didn't have that many patches but the polish community was buying them up, he told me he could have sold another 100 or so. Entrepreneurs abound in big cities and making decals, patches and souvenirs to hawk at specific events is not new but cutting up linen that you paid $40 for and making $2500 in a day is creative. What was really creative was his goal--under normal circumstances to save that amount in that time and place would take 6 mos. to 2 years. I've seen it done but the $ was spent very quickly. this guy said he was going to start a new life somewhere and i hope he did. A friend of mine showed up in a city
with less than a dollar after a divorce and in 6 years had a major co. under his belt.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

ressurect the dead

I'm having drinks with an elderly Swiss couple, but the tropical beach scene is marred by the lifeguards removing a dead man who drowned and/or heart attack. In their heavily accented
English she tells her husband, you should have brought the pills, yes i might have saved him,
and he explained (they were doctors) that they use a pill that revives dead people. Ok, im game
lets hear it i said-yes we are serious certain death episodes warrant this pill-its like a switch, we put it under the tongue and if it was a heart attack and he his dead no but if he drowned maybe.
or was it the other way around? we use it a few times a year and revive people. Its not a miracle
there are many medical ways and means around the world unheard of by the others and vice -versa, we are still in the infant stages concerning true accumulation of knowledge. For example have you heard of the foehn? I was familiar with the term used to describe the sudden cold winds that would fly at great speeds down Swiss mountains into the heated valleys. the sudden change of temperature would wreak havoc on people, even creating a temporary mental illness.
He stated they use common elements to bring patients back to par. I guessed and was correct!
A Vermont country doctor who lived in similar terrain used apple cider vinegar and honey to correct p.h. and acid levels who discovered it cured many other ailments and disorders.
Also this part of Europe gave us Bach and hanneman(homeopathic flowers) and i mentioned
how a retired American in Mexico was going to have much of his ears cut off due to sun cancer
and a homeopathic doctor said lets try this before they cut you, he swabbed one ear as a control
and lost the other ear as the doctor had plain disappeared from town.The other ear was fine till
he died years later. These doctors know the German lady doctor in Canada who claims a lot of cancers are a result of flukes that propagate in the body weakened by alcohol and are cured by a secret walnut extract. More on this later.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Strange flight

The flight to a foreign country is ahead of schedule by 10 min. and i held the plane up by being on time! The lady at the ramp is waiting for me as the counter desk had called that i was on my way-hurry youre late! im not late i said as i glanced at my watch. As this is a rare occurence, i was spoiling the early departure and in the cabin the stewardress scowled as she rudely pointed to a seat, smoking or not smoking? smoking i said, sit here for now so we can take off! everyone in the plane was staring at me as she dutifully "put" me in my place. The general atmosphere was me against everyone. I guess they had been talking about me while the airplane idled on the tarmac-pinng----booonng-folks as you know we take pride in always being on or before schedule and the captain and crew apologize as the last passenger is very late and we have been informed the schmuck is on his way. This i gathered must have taken place, otherwise there is no other explanation for the all the passengers craning to see this most inconsiderate person come aboard with his shopping bags. She sat me next to a couple who resented me sitting next to them. As soon as the no smoking sign went out i lit a cigarrete and the guy went ballistic--whats wrong with you? you cant smoke here, this is non- smoking waving his hand to dismiss the toxic

smoke that would kill him any minute now. As i extinguished the butt sheepishly i offered that maybe he had heard the lady say this was a smoking section and i apologized. Because he had yelled loudly the lady came running up and denied she messed up ,which she did. Im sure she meant to move me after take off but neglected to mention it. But now, being on a roll with the

"bad" passenger she could capitalize on not having to be cordial to me or even apologize. And having the whole cabin staring up front at the unruly passenger who, besides delaying the flight

and possibly the whole U.S. air flight plan is haranguing an innocent passenger! I never said that, she stated, and you cant smoke here. She would have an uncomfortable time trying to sell me off to someone else in another chair and i was going to submit to her with the approval of the whole plane. I did'nt start this but i will end it right now and shut up.(win-win/ win-lose/lose-lose -i had to pick.

You know at the movies, how a dominant tries to take possesion of the center arm rest with his elbow? The meek give it up to those more assertive. He was now doing this, and proud of himself. He had decided now that i could be pushed around.

Sodas--cocktails? yes! i'll have a rum and coke please. As she handed me the drink bozo looked at me in the eyes, this was the only time in 2 hours he would look at me---youre also a drunk!

Im that type of person who shouldnt drink when upset. The alcohol was not the correct prescription for my condition. So i asked for another one.

Im not a fighter, so all thoughts were of a pent up anger, and i knew my infantile revenge fantasies would dissipate with the alcohol fumes.

As you can surmise, none of this Stephen king horror film nightmare could have been planned

and must be chalked up to the dynamics of convoluted human intereactions.

Pinng---booongg- ladies and gentlemen we are approaching the airport--seat belts and trays

up. She said it twice as the passengers were not complying fast enough as she did her rounds.

Much to my delight smartypants has elected to leave his tray down--not to disobey the authorities but to mess with me as i would have to move it myself, or quite possibly to pin me in

once on the ground and i would have to ask him and his tray to get out--a confrontation!!

The lady couldnt believe it as she came by again searching for truants-- Sir! you must bring your

tray to an upright position it is against f.a.a. regulations!! she looked at me like maybe my rebel ways were contagious and now my opponent had contracted whatever was wrong with me.

He pretended to go trhough the motions and as she left, he kept it down......big mistake....


WHATS GOING ON HERE?? she unbuckled and ran up and ripped him a new one. The tables have been turned and i had every right to serve back the same plate of popular thought to her -him and the sheeple on the plane who foolishly contributed to this scenario. He was angry,embarrased and befuddled as to how he had gotten himself into this predicament.
Passengers gave me sweeping looks of disdain and contempt while pitying the hapless and innocent seatmate of mine. Everybody stayed clear of me, the troublemaker as we made our way down the stairs and walked under the hot sun to stand in lines to clear immigration and customs. He made a concerted effort to be immediatly behind me at all times, rudely cutting off people to keep track of me. He was already asking workers for someone of authority to report me or whatever he believed would rescue him from his own follies.

Before this trip, on my way out of this foreign country, i had made friends with the top command
of customs and immigration. I had made their acquaintance because like most countries of limited means, they take anything they can get their hands on, legally or not. I had told them that it was rude and impolite of me to ignore their customs and laws and graciously thanked them for letting me go with a warning and was thankful i only had half my belongings confiscated.
However this was a common occurence and i was tiring of telling recipients what i had shopped
for them and im on my way back-only to have little of what i claimed i had brought, paid for or as a gift. Maybe your wife would rather have channel no.5 rather than old spice cologne i explained and i would be more than happy to receive your shopping list at no cost to you!
That way my peolple and your people get exactly what they want. The main reason for my trips was to bring hard contracts for sales. If you have an agreement you can bring foreign contracts
but you cant have the agreement without the contracts-catch-22--all this ends if you give me $$. Allowing them to confiscate desirable goods the contracts made good their escape. On this particular pleasant trip i was bringing talking dolls with expensive batteries installed, not local baterries
with a 20 min. lifespan, and the rage then was a plush dog with a zipper in the belly that held many tiny plush puppies. These were gifts for the daughters of local chieftains, plus bonus gifts
of the most wanted and unobtainable in this country. Shithead has finally gotten the attention of
someone and here comes these guys with guns and outlandish eupalettes straight for me---
the faces of delight and glee that the passengers displayed is difficult to describe. Horror stricken
faces replaced the happy mask as they shook my hand and politely relieved me of the shopping bags and brought me to the commanders who hugged me like they do in foreign countries. Since it was one the daughters birthdays they checked the batteries right there and then, the customs line paralyzed as the unzippered pups fell to the floor, being hastily picked up by guards bending over with their machine guns strapped to their backs. They give me a large box they had recently confiscated from a friend and didnt like the contents. I peered inside and ordered it to my holdings, we all hugged again and was being offered a ride. It is now obvious to my air companions that they have inadvertently stumbled on as witnesses to an international web of
criminal smugglers involving top echelons who in their brazen contempt of any law are doing it openly in the airport in front of international travellers-besides they have machine guns-. I can
only guess where their imaginations led them with the puppies and dolls. Not one to let opportunities go wasted and to be sure my treatment on the plane has not gone unnoticed in case they have forgotten, i mention to the commander who is holding dolls under his arms(containing uranium tablets:)? that the open tarmac in the sun is too hot for the passengers
and point to my new friend-incredibly like oil on water-like ghosts who move but dont walk
like dandeloins leaving the stalk he is now alone as the group has left the target rich environment. He went grey not white, standing alone, i really thought he was going to have a heart attack and regretted my action but was amazed how the incompetent stewardress tried to shrink out of sight behind her crew and they too abandoned her as they wafted away. Amazing!
the guilty have been pointed out without a word. Now it is apparent most of them heard her say smoking and i was never in the wrong. I will bet big bucks that my new friend and possibly others never made it to their hotel -checked in to another- and left the next day on another wonderful flight.

Friday, May 21, 2010

are you sure?? wanna bet? be careful!

Some examples of how we perceive our surroundings.
We admire a starry night, yet some of those stars don't exist. They disappeared long ago, but the light that represents them took a million years to get here. scientifically you are admiring something that doesn't exist.

The wide spectrum bands of sound waves and light waves are not available to you in their
entirety. This becomes crucial in understanding many unexplained phenomena. To understand
it better, make a cross with two rulers with a circle in the middle, say 4 inches. This circle
represents the limits of your hearing and perceived visual ability all under the waves known
hertz-x-rays-gamma etc. You cant see and hear all. Other life forms can, and they in turn
have restrictions also.

Not too long ago, we wondered why elephants could meet at a precise point when to begin with
they were 15 miles away. Now we know they communicate on a wave length we cant hear.

In ww2 color blind people were immediately placed as forward observers and in artillery
units because they could "see" (classified) things we cant.

It was discovered during the development of television systems that young female lab assistants
could hear frequencies from aluminium rods nobody else could, as a result the early remotes
were very heavy as they contained thick rods of aluminium. Our female ancestors had a keen sense of hearing beyond that of males and had early warning systems built in ,males did not.
Think of all the crime stories--honey wake up i heard something! unfortunately this ability
in no way favors unfaithful husbands--she can hear what you say on the phone 3 rooms away.
This ability fades past childbearing age.

Flowers are pretty but insects dont see what we see. they see a spectrum close to x-rays
and in this fashion are attracted to reverse images.

I've seen dog races where the inside dog, on a corner lunges full right and wipes out the run order often with dogs crashing and falling down. Bettors tossing their totes lamenting their bad luck. I will spare you the training method but involves the dog whistle only they can hear.
The dog hearing that whistle does what he was conditioned to do -lunge full right. Since
the box they are assigned is raffled this event only works from box 1-2-3 and thats when the con goes down. If you didn't understand this-here it is--the dog hears things you don't.
So what? we knew most of this-big deal- big deal? i know people who make money in one month you wont make in your life- feel better now?- what you see is not what you get and vice versa.
Im not sure they do it anymore but in the old days predator cat grease would make you a small
fortune. A fast breaking horse would have big cat (mtn lion-cougar) grease smeared on its rump,
out and running it would be more difficult for a jockey on a horse behind him to goad his horse to run towards a cougar!! he can smell it you cant. If you don't frequent race tracks don't worry
There are things you cant hear or see that 100% Make you and 95% of the worlds population
SLEEPWALKERS. You are unaware of many things that affect your life you cant see or hear and feel. In the year 1901 track crowds were angry at the sight of huge needles laying on the grounds of a new york racetrack, jockeys in the hidden curve would turbo-charge with a needle
jab pure cocaine, they were doing it for years and got sloppy. Tons of money was lost because
we couldnt SEE how he could lose, it was unHEARD of, so i know how you FEEL. more to come

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've done a lot of things and talked to a lot of people. For 25 years i was in sales running up t0

50 clients a day. when you talk to 5 clients a week its not the same, sales techniques are perfected much quicker and you cant practice when it counts. Besides my observations i have
those of 250 more with similar experiences, and yes a million people can be wrong, but we make a living by what we know works. There are exceptions of course but foundations are not built on
if, come, maybe-----and its all cyclical as well. When a client forks over 10,000---there is trust involved, and i have some rather amazing observations from them too.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Arminius was a Cherusci, one of the many Germanic tribes that existed in that land in A.D. 9.

His victory over the Roman empire in the battle of the Teutoburg forest was unparalleled.

Rome had suffered worse defeats before, but the consequences of this reversal were to have

an effect far in the future in continental Europe. As a youth he had been taken hostage and lived in Rome where he was trained in the military and was elevated to horseman. When the Romans

sought to create a province in germania they placed in charge an experienced province administrator- Publius Varus. Arminius was an advisor for him, but secretly was consolidating
other tribes who had been life enemies with the Cherusci, to revolt against the Romans due to the poor treatment they received under their rule. Arminius staged a revolt in some far remote area
where Varus sent three legions and auxiliary local troops plus three squadrons of cavalry not to mention the assorted followers-cooks-wife's-tradesmen that follow large armies. This army had a total of around 25,000 people. Varus was not an experienced military leader and probably complacent as much of Europe was under roman rule. Letting his guard down he let Arminius
lead him into unfamiliar territory in a large forest as much of Europe was at that time.

Roman legions were unbeatable in the open fields but could not deploy their magnificent maneuvers in constricted areas like the one they were being lured into now. The long thin
road that meandered thru the forest stretched the army up to 10 miles in length. It was muddy as well, where the Romans could not march in battle formation. Varus neglected to send advanced scouts also, probably because Arminius's father in law who opposed his marriage tried to warn Varus but was dismissed as a personal feud, and why bother- who would attack 3 legions anyway? Arminius left under the guise to drum up more support. A torrential rain storm
made the passing even worse as ambushes were sprung on the weakest links where maneuvers
were hampered, compounded by the camp followers who intermingled in the roman formations adding to the confusion. The ferocious attacks in close quarters did not allow the Romans to deploy and use weapons of all sorts that involved projectiles that normally were accurate and deadly even at great distances-but not in the forest, in the rain, in the mud, with camp followers

running amok. The rain wet and made useless the animal sinews used in bows and assorted wind- up projectile machines. The armor was waterlogged and heavy-arrows penetrating easily

the soggy protections. Over 3 days of fighting in the rain under these conditions, had the legions

setting up night camps with unsuccessful breakouts that would lead them to further ambushes

one after another. In one case the land configuration had the legions coming up to a difficult

to scale trench only to be rained on by arrows from behind the cover of a man-made wall.

Who knows if Arminius had planned the rain season into the well sprung trap. In many historical
battles the weather was used to advantage. The Germanic army now pounced on the disintegrating roman legions, those that broke out or attacked were swallowed up in the forest

harboring the fierce pagans. The prescribed manner in which roman officers were to admit defeat was to fall on their own swords, pommel facing the ground ,the point in the body. Most officers did just that, a few cowards surrendered. The rest died fighting, Varus committed suicide,

the second in command Numonius Vala rode off with his cavalry abandoning the remaining legions and they too perished once they broke out. 20,000 killed and about 5000 escaped, some in battle order most fleeing in disarray. Pagan rituals called for beheading of the defeated and

for sacrificial purposes of the cooking alive the officers, their leftover bones as offerings.

The few who escaped regrouped in favorable terrain and were able make good their escape about a month later.

This loss represented about 12% of the total legion roster. Even when annihilated a legion was resurrected with its original i.d. number and associated standards(battle emblems and flags.) which had a pseudo religious power and were always kept in altars when not in battle.

Because legion xvii, legion xviii and legion xix had lost their standards to the enemy, these

legions were discontinued, this being a first in legion history!

Arminius tried to make an ally out of his most powerful Germanic neighbor with the severed

head of Varus as an offering, but the head was forwarded for burial in Rome to in order to remain neutral.

5 years later an avenging roman army of 70,000 strong moved into the area. Severed heads

were still nailed to trees and the bones of 20,000 were in heaps scattered about in areas where

rituals deemed they offer themselves to the pagan deities. Over the years, the standards were recovered in different military operations. Thusnelda, Arminius's wife was captured as well. Forty years later the last standard was recovered along with roman prisoners who had been held prisoner by different germanic tribes. After the reconquest was complete, the roman empire restricted itself west of the Rhine, rivers being so important to city establishments

and military as well as geographic matters. As a result of this, Rome romanized most of Europe

ignoring germania and thus being left out of the "fold". Christianity also took much longer to take hold here and because of this it took Germany much longer to go along with the modern world. Some scholars even suggest the Franco-Prussian war, WWI1 and WW2 might not have happened

had Germany "Settled" their differences with their neighbors much sooner. Because of their isolation they were left out of the roman trade scheme. Martin Luther called Arminius "Hermann the German" in a way to describe pagan deference to new ways. Most European city states were established long before Germany did. Be that as it may, in the 1600's renewed interest in Arminius as a cultural heroic icon helped solidify nationalism in the growing new country of Germany. Recently festivals and holidays that glorify Arminius are somewhat muted lately

with political overtones.

One scholarly camp views Arminius as a traitor who took advantage of his roman upbringing

and education to treacherously lure Varus into a killing field. Another camp sees him as a liberator of the downtrodden defending the homeland. In any event when news of the disaster

reached Emperor Augustus he butted his head against the palace wall repeatedly yelling

Varus-give me back my legions!

19Th century nationalism in Germany used the Teutoburger Wald battle as a unifying element to consolidate the divided states against the Napoleonic and Austro-Hungarian forces whom they regarded as foreign invaders who shared no common values with them.The historical and archaeological findings have documented the battle sites and are most fascinating in their detail.

Ben Franklin



Friday, May 14, 2010

How i got into the time share business part 21

Before going to Acapulco, my next stop, Mr. E treated the top echelon to a fancy dinner at the Chateau Vegas now long gone but it was the cats meow back then. The Dr. says i should have a reading from the Gypsy like fortune teller and most of what she said came true up to 30 years later. Even though you would be very surprised how these people ply their craft and are able to know things, it is a combination of acquired skills and talents and a keen understanding of human nature. At the dinner i was still giving the cold shoulder to the Dr. as i had to determine just how dangerous he might be. I'm stuck with him going to Mexico and Spain and in the background i can hear the robot from lost in space "DANGER -WILL ROBINSON-DANGER!! I'm finding it hard to believe he might not have something to do with the heist. Although he speaks English he thinks we have a bond because i speak Spanish fluently and what we have shared. The only bond i can think of begins with bail. I'm studying this guy all the time because i cant believe he is normal, and in subsequent chapters you will see the dark side of humans Thru this monster. I was waiting to see his reaction to a peculiar thing Mr. E would always do without fail at a dinner.
Mr. E had a funny habit of asking for the bill secretly long before anyone finished and paying it unbeknown to the guests, i had already seen this about 10 times and thought it was great.
Just before dessert is usually when the boring bullshit begins or someone is going to roll out their
hidden agenda disguised as a pleasant dinner conversation and that's when he would do it.
The Dr. decided it was his turn and just as he started to say something-bammo- Mr.E shoved his
his chair back, stood up and thanked everyone for being there and left in less than 5 seconds, with Ginny Simms in tow, she knew the drill even though she was a social butterfly. I would say that every time this happened at least half the crowd had already been vaccinated already and would enjoy the surprise of the uninitiated as they looked around as the veterans left also,
with their flambe bananas drooping off their spoons. Actually it was the best part of dinner meetings as we would look forward to this part more than anything. Some of the frequented
Establishments were in on it and i saw they also would anticipate the moment, the waiters hanging around to see the reactions. A few times his cronies would laugh as we drove away-i knew when he was going to do it when she started in on her art collection, did you see her face? hardee-har-har. Anyway the doctor sat there open mouthed with evil in his eyes taking it very personally
when his face transformed and he started laughing ive seen mentally ill people do this before.
I told him later this was his m.o. and to let it go.

How i got into the time share business part 20

At the Vegas airport i hesitate to get into the limo sent for us (see L.A. airport stunt) but its the real deal, belongs to the Vegas club and i glance at the Dr. as he looks away. Hallelujah!! i am informed the Dr. will stay at the resort and i will lodge with others in another hotel. The Japanese
lawyer from corporate in Hawaii will be my roommate. The hotel is 80% brokers and the new exchange company personnel ( I.I.) In the suite i ask the lawyer if he wants to dine and gamble with me, my treat (he was nice to me in Hawaii) he declines and appreciates me not coming back late and or drunk- no problem I'm tired anyway and will be back at 9-10. When i come back he scopes me out and determines he's safe until i ask him for a personal favor-he turns white, his
eyes growing behind his glasses, hes already seen enough of nutcase salesmen. To the point i tell him this town is no good and i want him to help me push the refrigerator against the door, much to his delight he agrees and helps me. But thought it eccentric as i tied thread around the necks
of 4 connecting coke bottles in a semi-circle around the fridge. Its an old trick, so you can sleep well. In the morning we disassemble the door fortress kind of feeling foolish, and when we open the door we discover the hallway full of cops-sheriffs-dicks, etc. Downstairs theres even more!
The place has been robbed! almost every room! 20 or so rooms have been opened while the occupants slept, from what i heard each room was worth a Rolex, $2000 avg. cash, gold jewelry
etc. this was a lot in 79. At the convention we could hardly get started as the topic was no gambling or whatever due to NSF. A few big shots went to the bank and came back and doled out money to be paid back later. None of the victims had their credit cards taken but back then there were no atm's and banks would only give small advances with a huge fee. Most of these
guys made big bucks so it was an inconvenience more than anything. The lawyer is watching
me furtively during the meetings and i guess he believes i masterminded the whole thing, as our room obviously had not been breached. The day you don't wear your seat belt is the day you crash. Folks, its called prevention, you don't get a second chance. The second night they did it again!! Knowing damn well they would recoup and have more money and that's why they left the credit cards. 27 years later I'm talking to a closer and we are reminiscing about the early days and he says- i know who did it! but he didn't say. Tourists and conventions are easy pickings for experienced crews.

How i got into the time share business part 19

My journey was a whirlwind tour of 9 cities , all paid for in order to enhance my learning curve.
Leaving the Hawaiian islands, i meet the so called Dr. and broker to be who will go to Spain with me. seeing him rob and defraud his uncle leaves me unnerved. I notice while we are visiting a sales room in lake Tahoe that he avoids conversation with the local crew-- he his hiding something and is totally out of his element. We arrive at the Tahoe airport off season and is 100% empty, we are the only ones there. The lady at the counter sees my air tickets all stapled together
and remarks oh wow Hawaii-Vegas Acapulco-Spain- i wish i could go with you! Don't worry the Dr. says, we will hijack the airplane and take you with us! In less than 2 minutes an air Marshall
and an FBI agent separate us into different offices. Remember that from the 60's until around 1975 there were hundreds of airliners hijacked to Cuba. I get the Marshall, i explain my relationship with the Dr. to him (none) and furthermore am not amused by the Mexican comedian either.
In a mall earlier the Dr. went to one of these specialty cutlery stores and bought for his wife who
was a seamstress, the largest Swedish scisorrs ever made- a great gift, as Mexico didn't have them. Unfortunately they were in my briefcase when they frisked us. What saved us was an ace card. I don't care how smart you are, you cant request the ace card from the croupier. Ace cards
are serendipity in all its glory. It so happened i knew someone way up the ladder in the Marshall
system and the agent knew him! When the Dr. saw that we were being released and i was bantering with them he decided to pull his third world stunt of threatening them! I yelled as loud as i could YOU SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!! OR I'LL KICK YOU IN THE ASS SO HARD I'LL BREAK MY ANKLE GETTING MY FOOT OUT!!! the agents were reconsidering our release
but were surprised how angry i had become and figured he had his punishment and maybe more to come and let us go. Our plane , the only one that day, was held up by a film crew who could hardly fit all their gear in the turboprop bay. We sat there not speaking, anything he might have said could detonate how i felt. The 20 or so film crew were assisting with all of their aluminum
containers and they would stare at the odd couple occasionally as everyone except us was dressed casually, we were in 3 piece suits and it was hot. Finally after 2 hours we are on our way.
Since we are cramped in the small plane and i don't want to even talk to the doctor i stare out the
window (it was night) with nothing to see except the propellers, listening to the muffled conversations of the film crew going on about their latest film exploit. Since i am an aviation fanatic i don't have a problem straining my neck staring at the engine for long periods of time.
This did not escape the attention of the loudmouth of the group, a white guy with a large afro.
Actually we were the only thing of interest outside of their circle and they would stare at the weird guys in suits a lot. Finally loudmouth does it and yells out loud "WILL THE PASSENGERS REFRAIN FROM STARING OUT THE WINDOWS- THE ENGINE IS FINE WITHOUT YOU." I guess they were all supposed to laugh until i stood up and looked at him- you would have to ask them what i looked like with the dr. seated next to me shaking like a leaf. Usually during an altercation , people stare but if danger is present they look elsewhere, and they all decided as a group to stare at the engines as loudmouth slinked into his seat. Not one word from anyone until we landed. I glimpsed an ad once for a film crew and thought i recognized them-Aspen film?
White afro was funny though, just bad timing.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thank you very much

Two people that i know of and there are more to be sure, that you might owe your life to.

Stanislav Petrov

In September 1983, Lt.colonel Petrov was manning the Serpukhov 15 missile site not far from Moscow when early warning radar showed an incoming fast attack ICBM launched from the U.S.! Training classes had made it clear that nuclear strikes would be an all out affair, not one
and then maybe another. Tension between both powers however had been strained lately.
Now four more additional missiles appeared! Overlapping security measures notwithstanding
this was cause for alarm. Even if independent confirmation was protocol had he reported it, knowing the state of mind of the high command-they might have launched an all out war.
Not really trusting the apparatus, he did nothing. Investigations later revealed a glitch in the system. Thanks Stan!

Vasily Arkhipov

During the Cuban missile showdown, the u.s. navy corraled the foxtrot class nuclear submarine B-59 and was deploying dummy depth charges on top of them to make them aware they were serious in their attempt to quarantine Russian ships from entering Cuba. Believing they were under attack, and the war had started already, they prepared a nuclear torpedo to fire at the
USS Randolph, a navy carrier! Arkhipov ,the second in command, dissented with the captain and the executive officer who were seconds away from starting a nuclear holocaust. Thanks Vasili!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ironic list (updated periodically)

During W.W.II, a film was being made in Germany about some older battle long before, and during the filming actual artillery bombs were exploding but these were Russian bombs from advance
columns attacking the film site.

More horses died in the Russian movie "1812" than the actual numbers of dead horses from the 1812 battle for Moscow for which the film was made.

Thousands and thousands of W.W.II allies who helped defeat the axis, were turned over to the Russians by the allies against their will where they were killed for aiding the enemy.

From all accounts it appears that 20,000-30,000 Americans, Canadians,Brits and other allies were killed by the Russians who didn't want to return them. Our U.S. servicemen were Nazi prisoners and were liberated by the Russians, but fearing a war with the allies just as the war ended, figured they would have to fight these released prisoners so they killed them. This is one of the reasons Patton was killed, he wanted to fight them. Patton did not die as described.

Ho-chi-min our deadly adversary in Vietnam was responsible for helping rescue thousands of downed allied airmen in Southeast Asia during W.W.II.

Thousands of Japanese and Chinese soldiers died in a fake battle. The Japanese needed tungsten badly. A Japanese general was secretly buying it from a Chinese general and mind you these are mortal enemies from the ages, the Japanese high command unaware of the under the table dealings ordered a withdrawal from the area. In order to continue their secret money making
trade- the Japanese gen. told the Chinese gen. if you dint order a massive attack right now we will have to leave due to inactivity and say goodbye to the millions we are making, that night
a big battle took place and quite possibly was the reason the Japanese did not link up with the axis because the turning point was the battle of the Irrawaddy river and these Japanese troops were tied up dying for the gen. and his tungsten.

During the crusades to the holy land, there was also children's crusades, an army of young children. The reason it was really organized, was to get rid of the untold numbers of street urchins and orphans from the cities of Europe. Under the guise of some lofty principles to rescue
the religion. Certain elements wanted to profit from this, arguing that the majority wouldn't make it. Lets sell them as slaves but tell them to board ships pretending the journey to the holy land. Some children actually made it because they got on the wrong ships. the rest were sold as slaves in the mid-east.

On the same note Saladin the great sent his own doctors to care for his European adversary
leaders when they got sick.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dont look back--its catching up with us!!!

Didn't the humans notice? words from a movie taking place in the future, about all the accumulated bad management practices now finally overtaking us. They were talking about frogs, they are very sensitive to their environment. They are as we speak, being hunted to extinction for food, lines of children and women walk in unison collecting them this way thru -out

most of Asia, mostly for export to Belgium and France. This has resulted in the total elimination of certain species, not unlike Napoleons army who raided every farm on their way to Russia to steal, buy, requisition every horse they could get their hands on. As a result, 3-4 breeds of horses disappeared forever. It is said Gen. Patton rescued the only survivors of the famous lippinzallers in Austria. Because of pollution, alarming amounts of frogs are born with defects.

Frog farms, are being wiped out because of illnesses. Just recently, it has come to my attention

that bee-keepers have reported 1/3rd decimated colonies because of weather changes. Not long

ago people were reporting the largest honeycombs and wasp nests ever seen, one in particular

was the entire inside of an abandoned car! Bat colonies also are dying out all over the N.E. United States. You can study all this elsewhere, but the facts are that these creatures are a crucial part

of the ecosystem and if it continues forget the billions lost-the repercussions are worse.

Fishing the great oceans seemed an endless money maker until recently. Now they trawl deeper and deeper to catch fish that used to be discarded, and are now presented as catch of the day!

I personally experienced this in Hawaii in the 70's. I used to spearfish with the locals and would barbecue anything we speared, one day a haoule (white-boy) said I'm not eating that! its an aquarium fish! It was manini-sargeant fish to you- it has chevrons like a Sgt. A few years later i notice all the food stores are selling it! Because they are running out of otherwise available fish.

if it wasn't for the efforts of major Richardson and captain graham we never would have seen a live Irish wolfhound- they bred the last ones and kept their bloodline from extinction.
Now we have a challenge to save ourselves from catastrophe, maybe we can do without the snail darter but not the frogs and bees. It seems most likely future generations wont see the polar bear or the tiger in the wild. Writting a $20.00 check to some foundation wont do the trick,
not when multinational corporations spend billions to do business at any cost.
Here's how lopsided all this is ; the snail darter gets a break in California by cutting off the water supply to farmers and now they have lost almost every farm due to water shortage. The Chinese
3 river project (dams) has caused the extinction of the Yangtze river dolphin, but you don't hear anything about it. Total mismanagement.
The philosopher Spinoza said -be very careful- in the end we might be judged by animals.

Just in --may 14- reptiles are dying off due to hot weather- too hot to hunt and they are dying off worldwide.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Not everyone thinks alike. A study i read describes how our thinking process is like a brick edifice, each brick being experiences and learning combined with personal evaluations that might or might not involve critical thinking processes. Early development schooling plus what we learn casually at home determines to an extent how we think. We learn quickly to not argue other peoples opinions (most of the time) because it creates unnecessary conflict. Those who do haven't learned yet the reason why people avoid them, or why they have unproductive issues with others. I don't remember who said it-----diplomacy is the art of stroking a dog saying nice doggie while glancing about looking for a rock. In addition to this add to the mix the mental traumas we picked up along the way. Now stir in a large amount of religion and political learning and presto you have the recipe for misunderstanding all along your lifelong journey. Debate teams appear to make their points but usually reinforce the antagonist. The ego really doesn't

care if you are right, i have my own personal agenda and will continue pursuing it hell or high water. If this wasn't enough, figure out how much brainwashing from everywhere determines

how you think.

Look at how our own brains are easily fooled.

Did you ever replay in your mind a certain movie part that got your attention? Was it a true recollection of the film or did your brain re-arrange it to your liking?

Have you ever had a dream about sex cheating-having money-being happier only to wake up and discover it wasn't true and you were upset for a while? It wasn't real so why were you upset?

Because the unconscious doesn't differentiate between fact and fantasy.

Apparently if you were raised by family members who continually berated you as worthless,

wont amount to anything etc. you would unconsciously prove them right (self-defeating) as to not lose their love.

Your motivations might not even be in your best interest- from the Greek (motive+action)

Pay attention to what your enemies say about you, for they are studying you assiduously. And you thought they were just being catty.

Although your hot buttons might be irrational, those who are rational will press them.

Don't tell people your problems- half don't care- the other half are happy you have them.

All the above makes for interesting debate- but don't forget- all answers are found in nature and
nature has two rules for humans -procreate and survive. Animals have an arsenal of weapons,
sometimes to combat the same species not others. Animals have clever and ingenious ways to survive, so do humans. The only difference is the increasing consciousness of humanity who seeks to distance himself from the brute forces- in thought and inventive ways to elevate to the loftier principles and thus separate himself from something he cannot.

Here we are as test pilots in a lazy-boy recliner watching t.v. bemoaning world affairs, hunger, war, disease, earth contamination, while we spend trillions on cosmetics, plastic surgery,toys.
This is irrational and this is why aliens don't visit-they are looking for intelligent life. Would you land here?