Stands for-- the end of the world as we know it--- and has many sites. Another one is
SHTF(poo-poo hits the fan).
After much analysis i will save you from being confused and will share my thoughts on the survivalist scenario. I am trying to be as rational as possible.
Make no mistake-unprepared people suffer and or die. The survivalist is fully aware of the past.
millions and millions have perished from and will continue to do so from the following life extinguishing events:
earthquakes-floods-volcanoes-fires-firestorms-plagues-wars-civil disturbances,disease,social upheavals, economic breakdowns and the like. Some are combined and inexorably add exponentially to the disaster. Survival is an everyday exercise-look around you-fire exits-fire sprinklers-air bags-fire stairs on older
bldgs.-first aid kits-emergency bags in the car trunk-bomb shelters from the cold war and WW-2-medical bracelets-warning signs for everything.
But we are complacent in our relatively protected environment and take for granted without even thinking about the basic life sustaining necessities. Our consciousness relegates to the
back rooms of our brains the imminent dangers that are around every corner. This is called
out of sight out of mind. If you interviewed a thousand people 10% have life changing events,
they have survived- wars, being raped, shot at, car wrecks- natural disasters-fires etc.
There are the others who didn't make it-you don't see them so- out of sight and hence the complacent attitude. We are aware but would rather not address negative issues as it interferes
with our current pursuit of happiness-like the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. I have a friend who scoffs at anything because he his too busy in his business(i lost all sales one day because a
tv was turned on to see replays of the shuttle exploding) so i understand his avoiding bad news. Here comes a hurricane, about the 10
th for us, he dutifully prepares with stocks
and protective measures but its worse than EXPECTED and the family hides in a closet as high water and winds do their thing. This happened in Cancun and what happens? the city is in chaos!
Looters stole their generator-many streets in Cancun are
de-sacs and neighbors are barricading the entrances with fires made out of 55 gal. drums and debris and have to gather together with machetes and tools to run off criminals-it was close to being life threatening and very scary to say the least. Yet a few days before it was paradise-civilization crumbles very quickly and leaves you wondering how precious we had it. You've seen it on
tv recently Haiti,Chile---Katrina, L.A. riots. I could have saved time by just directing the reader to
wikipediaand search-- human death toll natural disasters in recorded history--you will have a better grasp on reality. Who cares? you guys are paranoid!
im Joe normal-i live in pleasant ville and i run
thru the park with my pink poodle and balloons enjoying my Dr. pepper and beef jerky. I am smug in my self contained world. Well that is exactly the mind set of the millions and millions who share your view. Except they died a most gruesome death. 30% of the world is in survival mode as we speak-bombs-no water-no electricity-disease-malnutrition, it is daily life for them, almost normal. Any more and i might as well write a F.EM.A manual and a history book. Point is
the scenario is real,very real and the proponents are not necessarily a negative lot either--an evolutionary study shows negativity is crucial to survival. For example early man survived by being in a negative frame of mind-he leaves his cave on all fours to reveal less of himself, care full
of his surroundings he walks crouched now, knife and spear ready- sensing and looking for danger
before it looks for him ,and maybe, just maybe might make it home with food. Speed up the years
and his offspring 20x times down are more complacent-less danger is present. He runs out the cave to tip toe
thru the tulips and rejoice in the beauty of
aaaaheaaargggh---- some animals lunch!! Hey, i told you to not let your guard down! Negativity is primordial as you will not be surprised in this mind set-you expect danger and are prepared--being positive belongs to the realm of progress and visualizing catching a fish. Positive has its place and has no place for the unprepared. How is positive going to save you when you are in a disaster?
The survivalists web sites vary and mix-up different trains of thought so lets sort this out first.
1)The Gov. has F.E.MA. claiming they are ready but offer advice in case you are on your own.
2)5% of the U.S population lives in harsh wilderness and their lives depend on survival wits.
3)continuation of government programs are now classified but the released ones prove concept.
4)the seed depository on a barren island (Norway?) makes me more nervous.
5)many secret underground cities and facilities worldwide-foreign investors also!
6)many companies specialize in
shtf survival gear and info. to survive disasters.
teotwawki web-sites that feature very uneducated knee-jerk reactionaries
but most are educated sites with insightful and valuable lectures that will and i guarantee you save your live--but there are levels in regards to practical and common sense usage and expectancy.
I would assume that the average reader will dismiss some of the sites and the idea for readiness
due to the bombastic nature of the content including ads for hoarding gold -seeds-guns-equipment. On the other hand if he was a boat owner he has no qualms buying-life vests, flare guns,survival kits,survival food,etc.
The forums get mixed readers-some actually live in Alaska-northern Canada and scoff at the Barrett 50. cal (A huge rifle)toting crowd--they in turn fail to understand why they are dead
set in extolling the virtue of a knife being the only thing practical to true survival. They are talking about different scenarios and confuse the issue.
As mentioned, there are many disaster scenarios but all of them call for you to continue living-
someone watching me write this said suicide doesn't fit here! Tell that to the 10,000 German
women who committed suicide when they could not take it any longer when the Russians had their way with them at the end of the war- including 2000 nuns and females from 8 to 80
tell that to the girls school who after being raped were mutilated. tell that to all the suicides likewise in Russia -tell that to the Japanese women who suffered the same fate.
All most all victorious armies rape and plunder and murder -their government unable to protect them-tell that to women in Africa
whos pregnant bellies were sliced open on money bets to see if it was boy -girl! These people committed suicide because of disasters and were unprepared.One
river in Germany was a body dump as parents killed their daughters unable to cope with the disaster. It wasn't that long ago and its going on right now again- in the world close to us. All these poor souls were unprepared and led down the complacent road by their governments.
If you study the numbers you have as much to fear if not more from humans as natural disasters.
SHTF proponents have a valid point and in fact almost mandatory. The basic premise is a breakdown in society due to any of the fearful possibilities.
Water and food distribution networks as we've seen breakdown real fast.
Transportation networks are very vulnerable.
People are not civil when starving and lacking basics they have come to rely on their whole life.
We have seen you will be on your own very quickly.
Most people perish as they are unfit in every way to survive on their own.
I have come to these conclusions;
Large natural disasters are hard to avoid and luck plays a part.
Awareness of real or imagined dangers favors the fearful.
Statistically there will be more survivors unprepared than those who are prepared.
The nature of chaos does not favor your preparedness and in fact can lead to your downfall.
Most preparations that you have will be out of reach.
Assumptions made over iced tea in your living room are not real to what you will encounter.
The most prepared are the very wealthy and know the facts -their consultants are tops in their fields and have prepared many scenarios to survive, this is a big business and totally unavailable
to 95% of the population, again you are on your own except for these helpful sites.
Some curious facts;
Blizzards leave horses and men dead frozen-except those who gutted the horse and got inside.
you can make fire from ice
you can get water from stones
insects will lead you to water
you don't need a cannon to shoot the shell
you can make a bomb very easily in the outdoors
where most died in a high rise fire the savvy breathed air from the toilet tubes inside the top bowl
people have perished with food and water all around them
you can make weapons from mouse traps and shotgun shells
spears and arrows are still tops in the kill hall of fame
small animal livers will save your life re snakes-scorpions
you can make a shelter from 6 inch grasses.
chemical warfare from plants
ambush followers and kill them with firecrackers
instant poisons from household ingredients
We can go on and on---
the survivalists can add plenty more.
Here is a scenario not listed above- in the 80's a navy flotilla lost all comm. capabilities due to a
electromagnetic? wave from a far star. They lost almost all abilities due to the fried electrical
systems, it was an eye-opener for the military although this is a common
occurrence (i know avionics people) but this burst was very big and damaging-it happened in the south pacific. It
was assumed by scientists that it indeed had covered a very large area maybe a few thousand miles wide. In 2006 a solar flare shocked the scientific world because never before had one sped so fast-ever -about 1/2 the normal rate to reach the earth-textbooks would have to be re-done!!
I know one of the scientists and he says the reaction is exaggerated. If we had a nasty one hit where it hurts, the consequences would start slowly and problems will develop where you
don't expect. Add to this an uneasy political instability and an upset population and it wont be pretty.
Read what happened when the very upset masses in
France during the revolution did to the nobility- the favorite was tying
husband and wife face to face nude and thrown in the rivers to drown nobody could have imagined this days before as they enjoyed themselves in the lap of luxury. Read how thousands were interned in the stadium in
Chile, Americans included, during the coup
de'tat. many suffered.
Now then, it is clear things can go wrong and
you re not prepared.
So lets study those who escaped by wits or preparation or luck, and use
statistical models dealing with hard data.
teotwawki's have prepared for almost every contingency but under the leadership of Gen.
Murphy things will go wrong.
Theoretically you are prepared with------
a bug out bag
weapons and ammo
stored food
an emergency medical kit
an arranged hide out
alternate routes
taking the family
a means of escape
The past has shown---
You have a 50/50 chance to retrieve it
weapons are targets themselves-are heavy-invite trouble-slow you down- ammo is gone quick
food and water weigh a lot-is soon gone
providing you can keep it-supplies are limited- you cant flee with wounded and/or sick
your hide out will be occupied before you get there and if not good luck keeping it
your alternate is every ones
saving your family might not be possible
your vehicle has an average 450 mile flee zone radius-so do all the others- so you will be in good company with other refugees who might not have what you have managed to save. gas will dry out real quick. mandated evacuation routes will be a nightmare. the stay put alternative has its own problems.
At this point 20% will have successfully extracted themselves from the chaos, most wont be survivalists, not to say in some cases they will be the only ones present due to extenuating circumstances.
odds are increased with 3 bug out bags one in the office or home- one in the trunk of car and a hidden one on a planned route. and the same applies to the other necessaries.
even when relatively safe new problems will arrive;
a constant water and food supply
dog packs -not kidding
maintenance medicine
protection from hoards (its not fair you have that and wont share)
inclement weather
leadership dilemmas and psychological effects could be your biggest problem of all.
It wont matter that you invested tons of money and time preparing and can have it all or not.
Solid evidence shows your survival rests on what you can have on your person that is within reach and that is the bug out bag or survival outfit and it better be within 50 ft. or less at all times.
the survival outfit is a civilian attire that looks like a jacket and pants yet on close inspection
in cleverly outfitted with a myriad of hidden and sown in pockets-pouches that will even
hold an ar-7 break apart survival rifle and small pistol and the necessary amount of emergency
paraphernalia to last running on foot and surviving for up to a month.
And far away (100) miles an underground shelter to last 2-3 years.